Sunday 25 January 2009

Supreme Court Judges 'Unhappy'

It would seem that the judges who are to form the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom are a tad upset. Firstly, they have voiced 'displeasure' that the postal address of their new offices is Little George Street, and claim it has a 'diminutive' effect and therefore not befitting to their status. Secondly they dislike the fact that their web address has to be when they wanted and consider the one provided is 'not particularly attractive'.

The cost of these new 'offices' has been estimated at £56.9million. (Lords Hansard 26th March 2008) Remember, we all know about the veracity of government estimates - witness that in 2006 Lord Falconer is quoted as stating the scheme would only cost £32million.  It could be argued that this is also a waste of money as the previous system worked perfectly well. The Government response was that it was a move made necessary based on the separation of powers (the executive, legislative and judiciary). Another factor influencing the creation of this Supreme Court is the European Court of Human Rights. Yet another factor was the Government's decision to reform the House of Lords which included a written submission by a Justice working party to the Royal Commission on House of Lords reform.

As our Parliament is, essentially, a 'hollow' body in that the bulk of legislation is no longer made in Parliament but in Brussels, so it can be argued that the law in this country will be increasingly subjected to Directives and Regulations from Brussels due to the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty, as Justice & Home Affairs is one of the areas most affected by this treaty.

The people who appear to be complaining about 'diminutive' and 'not attractive' should consider that were there be a change of government and any new government decided, for a change, to respect the will of the electorate and withdraw from the political aspect of our membership of the European Union (if only), those people complaining, who are after all no more than 'public servants', could well find themselves out of a job. 

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