Something to ponder:
There exists in this country the following:
The British Muslim Forum (Derby); the Islamic Foundation (Markfield, Leics); the Islamic Human Rights Commission (Wembley); the Islamic Society of Britain (London E1); the Muslim Association of Britain (Straford E15); the Muslim Public Affairs Committee; the The World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities (Stanmore) and the Young Muslims UK.
There is also: The Federation of Black Housing Organisations (Hackney); Friends of UK Black Pride; the Hindu Council UK; Hindu Aid and Hindu Youth UK to name but a few more.
Question: Supposing I wished to set up, for instance, an organisation called The British White Christian Forum, or The Federation of White Housing Organisations or Friends of UK White Pride; what are the chances I would get refused, shut down or prosecuted for racial discrimination?
And the Government says we must have 'racial equality'?
Just thinking, thats all.
Met Office Peddle Ridiculous NAO Scare Story
34 minutes ago
"What are the chances?"
You have to ask?
"what are the chances".......
Intended as a rhetorical, sarcastic question.
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