The RSPB would appear to have taken wing on a flight of contradiction with their latest call for more onshore wind farms, reported today in the Daily Telegraph. Courtesy of An Englishman's Castle, contrast this latest 'statement' with this, this and this.
The latest article states that a report by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) states that Britain was being left behind countries such as Denmark, where wind met 29 percent of demand. The article also states that the charity said mapping of areas that would be sensitive for wildlife - birds - should be part of the process.
The RSPB have obviously not read a paper published by Hugh Sharman BSc, ACGI, who is principal of international energy consulting and broking company Incoteco (Denmark) ApS; said paper being published by the Institute of Civil Engineering. Nor do they appear to have read another article published by Dr. Rob Johnston, entitled 'Energy: the answer is not blowing in the wind'
Whilst the RSPB state that two-thirds of its income comes from donations - one in no way denigrates the members of the RSPB and the work they do - the balance of the money (grants) includes funds given by such organisations as DEFRA and the Environment Agency, ie the UK Government and which amounted to £9,024,000; plus £3,169,000 from the European Union. The Annual Report and Accounts for 2007/2008 can be found here.
As it is well known that the 'wind farm' industry is a 'nice little earner', that the UK Government is adhering to energy directives from the European Union is it any wonder that a 'charity' is promoting EU/Government policy?
Met Office Peddle Ridiculous NAO Scare Story
4 hours ago
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