Gawain Towler over on England Expects picks up on a post by Ian Parker-Joseph, leader of the Libertarian Party UK and which, if true, is extremely worrying indeed.
Add into the 'mix' this post by Richard North on EUReferendum and the recent uttering by Supt. David Hartshorn and it becomes even more worrying. Then stir in the possible membership of Turkey (with a population of, I believe, something in the region of 79 million) and the potential 'intake'.
If we are to follow the 'conspiracy theory' scenario, then also add this idea IPJ raises, that the Government is looking for a confrontion with the people in order to invoke the Civil Contingencies Act, which would then result in a true 'democratic dictatorship' situation.
The scenario is almost a 'work of fiction' in its plot and possible outcomes. In fact, years ago I did read a book (fiction) about Europe and although the EU was not mentioned by name, the scenario and story contained therein could well turn out to be true. For the life of me I can't recall the title or author of this book but will keep searching.
Starting to think now..............
Are You The Only Person Left In The UK, Polly..?
2 hours ago
1 comment:
I wouldn't be at all surprised.
I've been saying for a long time that we're unlikely to see another election.
This lot have so carefully and systematically removed our rights and freedoms, and in doing so gained so much power, that there's no way they will relinquish it.
For the first time, though, I've reached the point of believing that the people won't go along with it. I am starting to believe in the suggested 'Summer of Rage' - and I don't think it's going to be pleasant.
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