Wednesday 31 March 2010

The Cameron Way To Fix Our Broken Society

So again we get another 'half-arsed' policy from the Conservative Party, in the form of its leader David Cameron.

This 'genius' of muddled thought plans a 5,000 strong group of 'Community Organisers' to encourage, facilitate, train and help to finance local activism and organisation to counter social problems and run services. And the cost of all this training and the bureaucratic body that will control these 'Community Organisers'? Smells like another quango to me! Loyally, Janet Daley piles in with gushing praise, ending her piece with the words "What more could you ask for?" - a Conservative Party led by a Conservative might be a good start, Janet!

Surely the cheapest and most efficient way to encourage people to become involved is through total devolution of domestic power to local authorities? This would at a stroke re-enfranchise local councillors, the bulk of whom are disenfranchised by way of the 'Cabinet' system of local government. Until central government cuts the strings by which it controls local government and lets local authorities become self-financing, proposals like this by Cameron is but disengeniousness as it leads people to believe they will get power, when in fact that is the one thing they will not get.


JuliaM said...


Meet the soon-to-be new boss, same as the (hopefully) soon-to-be old boss...

Adam R. said...

Community Organizer? That's what Obama was in his youth! I swear, Cameron and his closest buddies want to be just like him!

Anonymous said...

Camo is obviously trying desperately to lose, he is certainly going about that the right way. Still since we are governed from Brussels it doesn't really matter who the Gauleiter is, he only "obeys ze orders". The excuse used down the ages.


James Higham said...

This one was pretty unbelievable.