Monday, 9 March 2009

Can Harriet Cope?

The Mail is reporting that Harriet Harwoman is being lined up to 'carry the can' for Labour's expected humiliation in the Local and European elections to be held in June.

If it (humiliation) happens, probably even before it happens, this latest news will open up a host of intriguing scenarios upon which the media 'can' and will, no doubt, expend masses of print.

'Can' Harriet pull off the impossible?
Will the press 'can' her before she even starts?
Will Gordon 'give her her head' or is this a ploy to 'have her head' 'Can' we know which Gordon?
When Harriet retires from British politics, will she do so in 'Cannes'?

OK - puns over, you 'can' stop reading now!

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