Sunday, 8 March 2009

Yet Another Profit Of Doom

As if one 'expert' is not sufficient, along comes another one - bit like buses really which all seem to be funded, one way or another, by taxpayer's money.

Besides Gordon Brown et all basing their 'reasoned opinions' on unsubstantiated 'beliefs' with regard to economic salvation, we now have Dr. Hayley Fowler, Newcastle University, informing us we should prepare for devastating storms and flash floods caused by climate change.

Leaving aside the question of, yet again, a newspaper 'parroting' one person's opinion without any questioning whatsoever, this is but another example of 'research' based on unproven facts.

Listen you numpty, 'doctorated' or not, climate change and/or global warming is still open to question. Those two matters are not yet fully understood or proven. To opine a view on 'doctored' facts, facts that have been proven incorrect time and time again by the website 'Watts Up With That' , is a bit of 'doctoring' we can do without - thank you!

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