Thursday 10 December 2009

Cameron And Principles

David Cameron: ""Brown and Darling are like a couple of joy-riders in a car smashing up the neighbourhood, not caring what is going to happen and not caring about anyone who might have to take over the mess they have created..." and "At heart, I think there is a sacred trust that every politician should have, which is that if you are at the tiller and the crunch comes, you do the right thing for your country. You put aside personal considerations and political considerations and you do the right thing."

So David, unlike Brown who you accuse of being a joy-rider smashing up the neighbourhood, you  just wish to continue smashing up the country, by your adherence to membership of the European Union, not caring what is going to happen and not caring about anyone who might have to take over the mess you have perpetuated?

And when the time came for you to get of the political fence, on which you had been sitting, in respect of Britain's membership of the European Union, of course you did the right thing for your country and put aside your personal considerations and political considerations and did the right thing?

Of course you did Dave, of course you did - after all, you are an 'Honourable' politician are you not?

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