Much has been written, in criticism, on blogs I have read about the problems currently being experienced in the political world especially in relation to MPs, their expenses and allowances, yet I do not recall reading anything on methods of resolving this problem and other factors associated with it.
By that I mean little attention seems have been focused on subjects such as democracy in general, what is wrong with it at present, what form of democracy could replace the present system, how should MPs be selected and remunerated, etc etc
It would be extremely interesting to know what other bloggers on the libertarian 'right' think. That question is not confined to the subject notated above, but can include any matters such as taxation, education, health, law & order, defense - in other words, anything.
Having only started this blog just a few months ago, my readership is nowhere near that of, for instance, Cranmer, Guido, Dizzy et all so whilst appreciating the views of those that do read this it would be helpful if they could maybe widen the audience to which this question is addressed - and my thanks in advance.
Perfectly happy to publish the findings, say after a month? You never know, it might just be possible to influence political thinking - the power of the Internet?
A big ask I know, but.........
Just thought it an interesting question.
The People vs. Gavin Newsom’s Mandate
2 hours ago
1 comment:
A good post, and 'what should we do' has been forgotten as we all unwrapped our early Christmas presents from the sleaze stocking.
My own suggestion was that the Queen should step in temporarily.
Not because I am an ardent monarchist, but because she is a figure of authority who commands respect, and I cannot think of anyone else who could fit that description to act as caretaker whilst we have an urgent debate to negotiate a constitution (unwritten ones are plainly past their sell by date) and restructure our democracy.
Tinkering with the edges is no longer an option. The problem is too deep rooted.
Frankly we could do with chucking out most of our legal system as well as all the parliamentarians.
I think they call it a revolution, don't they? I think that's the technical term!
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