Prisoners 'on the run' should not be identified, according to the Ministry of Justice, as it would breach their rights to privacy.
WTF - what right to privacy???
Sure will make for an interesting 'wanted' poster!!
As for 'double-talk', this statement must 'take the biscuit':
"Whilst it is in the public interest to be aware of offenders who have escaped from custody as they may help in identifying the absconders thereby enabling the police to detain them; it is not in the public interest to prejudice any enquiries or operations the police may be conducting into apprehending the absconder. It is the general policy of the Ministry of Justice not to disclose, to a third party, personal information about another person.This is because the Ministry of Justice has obligations under the Data Protection Act and in law generally...."
If it is beneficial for the public to be made aware of absconders identities as it 'may help in identifying the absconders thereby enabling the police to detain them', one does have to ask how providing that information can 'prejudice any enquiry or operation the police may be conducting into apprehending the absconder'.
Does not the word 'prejudice', in this context, imply any act that hampers or prevents the police apprehending said escapee? Surely by preventing the public access to names and photographs of escapees the Min of Jus is 'prejudicing' the efforts of the police in their apprehension of criminals by denying them the help of the public?
This blog is continually complaining that the present government has a track record of of passing laws that have not been 'thought through'. One would have thought that after 12 years and 3,000 new laws, the present 's**tload - aka the Labour Government - would have managed to get at least two right!
Do You Want People To Just Let Illegal Immigrants Go Free?
15 minutes ago
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