Sunday 7 March 2010

First Class Expenses

The Sunday Telegraph reports that a number of MPs - including some like Ann Widdecombe, who is not even standing for re-election - are demanding of IPSA that their travel should be 'first class'.

If these money-grabbing apologists are not content to travel under the same conditions as those they are meant to represent - and 'require' better travel accommodation - then they should get an upgrade, paid for out of their own pocket!

1 comment:

BTS said...

"Ann Widdecombe, the Conservative MP for Maidstone and the Weald, accused him of being guided by media "spite" rather than value to the taxpayer, and pointed out she had written two books while travelling first class."

Err.. those were novels weren't they?

And so this 'value to the taxpayer' is.. err.. what exactly?

'"Second class being more of a thoroughfare, interruption and engagement in conversation is a great deal more frequent."'

We wouldn't want all those dirty taxpayers who are funding your literary career clogging up the aisles or, worse still, actually attempting to engage you in conversation now would we..?

What an utterly loathsome trougher.

And the others quoted.. I've just lost patience now.

Well spotted WTW and I just hope enough people see it to reignite the same sense of disgust that was prevalent when this whole sorry saga came to the fore.