Sunday 14 March 2010

Oh That We Had Politicians With These Principles And Beliefs

From Margaret Thatcher comes this:

"Twice in my time as Prime Minister I had to take the decision to send our Armed Forces into action. First to defend our own people in the Falkland Islands and then to the Gulf to restore the liberty of the people of Kuwait. Such decisions are taken with a heavy heart but also in the knowledge that our military personnel will face their task with supreme professionalism and unfailing courage. It has long been part of our island story that when great principles have to be upheld or evil tyrants confronted, then Britain answers the call to take up arms. And the British people have always rallied to the support of those we ask to go to war in our name. The moving sights from Wootton Bassett show the enduring admiration for those who make the ultimate sacrifice in service of our country. Yet while the causes for which we fight are noble we must never forget that the reality of war is brutal. The visable wounds of war may over time heal but the unseen scars to the human mind can afflict for many years after the guns have finally fallen silent. Our duty is to match the skills shown on the battlefield with the quality of care we provide for the casualties of war once they return home."

Were those words about 'supreme professionalism and courage' actually reinforced by providing the 'kit' that is required. Were that 'supreme professionalism and courage' actually being used to safeguard Britain's security and not to satisfy a 'political creed'. Were 'that call to arms' actually 'noble'.

Were that we had political leaders who actually believed in our country and upheld its values!

Maggie, Maggie where is your 'clone' that Britain needs now?

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