Friday 6 February 2009

You Will Do As You Are Told!

The advent of a Big Brother state comes closer by the day, with the latest 'suggestion' by an unelected and unaccountable 'mouthpiece' of our present government.

It is being proposed by Lord Turner - an individual who may have been ennobled for whatever reason but probably by mistake in the belief the renowned painter was still alive - but I do wish he and his ilk would stop 'lording' it over the rest of us.

When the elite, of which he is a member, have been castigated for their excessive use of air travel yet then suggest it will be necessary to 'limit' that of 'their subjects' - the mind 'boggles'!

Turner, Gordon Brown's 'environment tsar' does not appear to appreciate the financial consequences of his proposal. Leaving aside the contradiction of this statement viz-a-viz Heathrow's new runway, it is reported that the 'start-up' costs for Turner's mad-cap scheme to be £2billion and 'running-costs' to be another £1billion to £2billion.

One alternative course of action, should Gordon Brown really wish to cut pollution, would be to gag Turner and thus stop all that 'hot air' being released into the atmosphere!

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