Sunday 14 March 2010

Nick Clegg's Conference Speech

As with any political speech by one of the Lib/Lab/Con 'con-artists', where to start? Nick Clegg's closing speech to the Liberal Democrat Conference is a real 'now-where-do-I-start-to-fisk-this' speech.

Firstly, one big omission from the subjects he talks about - the EU. Now that is hardly surprising for an ex-MEP who is under an obligation, if he wishes to continue receiving his pension, of not denegrating the EU in any manner whatsoever.

Neither did it take Clegg long to bring in climate change, it appeared in the second paragraph of his speech - and who said our climate is in jeapordy? To paraphrase Ronald Reagan: there he goes again, repeating a 'belief' based on unproven data. He also dreams of a time when it would be possible to take home the first £10,000 you earn completely free of income tax; a policy that UKIP have been proposing for yonks now - yet not a word of apology for 'Nick(ing) it!

Clegg says: "The 45 million voters of Britain are the kingmakers. They give the politicians their marching orders, not the other way round. It’s called democracy – and I kind of like it." Of course you do Cleggy - so do Brown and Cameron, because it means that the three of you get to continue the charade of 'government' in a system called not 'democracy', but one that is 'democratised dictatorship'. When three parties are all proposing roughly the same thing, but differ as to the means of reaching 'journeys-end' - where is the choice? Where is the change? When all the 'big-three' parties dictate the issues on which the electorate can vote - that is 'democracy'? When all the 'big-three' parties talk about devolution of power downwards, but have no intention of doing so - that is 'democracy'?

Clegg also says: "This year’s election is a huge opportunity. Everybody knows, in their heart of hearts, that we need real change. Everybody knows that the way we got here is not the way out."And we are not going to get real change with the Liberal Democrats - not change from that which Labour and Conservative are proposing. The real change the British people would like, Cleggy, are the opportunity to govern ourselves; to decide our own laws by which we live, rather than have them imposed on us from abroad; to have politicians that are honest, truthful and principled; to have politicians who adhered to their Oath of Allegiance; to have politicians who did not consider themselves a 'class-apart' from their constituents; to have politicians who truly represented their constituent's views.

In other words Cleggy - anyone but you and the rest of the members in the Lib/Lab/Con club!

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