Friday, 10 September 2010

As With All EU Schemes.........

As reported by The Albion Alliance Presents, if anything illustrated the absurdity of the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) then it is this article in the euobserver which reports that the ETS is now 'obsolete'.
"The recession has produced such a reduction in CO2 that companies across Europe have managed to pocket a slew of unused emissions permits which had been handed out based on economic forecasts produced before the crisis that predicted strong growth that never happened.
Like an employee rolling over unused holiday allowances to the next year, companies are going to be able to roll over these unused pollution permits to the next phase of the ETS, and use them when business turns around, meaning that only a very tiny amount of reductions will happen until as late as 2016, according to a report by Sandbag, a UK-based research group specialising in emissions-trading analysis."
Now about those bloody windmill thingys that no one wants, likes and which don't work..........

1 comment:

Sue said...

Sounds like a perfect way to get out of an exceedingly unpopular scheme.