Saturday, 13 November 2010

Cameron Telling Porkies - Again?

The Telegraph reports that Cameron called a 'three man and one woman' urgent summit to, in his words, ensure that the budget increase does not exceed 2.9 per cent. The Telegraph reports:
"Mr Cameron said after the meeting that he could now see a situation where next year's budget was actually frozen. That could happen if no deal is done by the end of the year, in which case the 2010 EU budget will be "rolled over" into next year on a monthly basis until the issue is resolved. That would effectively mean a freeze on EU spending, and mean a face-saving result for Mr Cameron."
Ah, but I know a man who knows different:
"Even then, if agreement is not reached, the EU reverts to last year's budget levels, with a month-by-month allocation, while the Commission submits a new budget proposal and the process starts all over again......As with anything to do with the EU, therefore, it ain't over until it's over, and even then you have to count the silver to make sure it's all there."

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