Tuesday 30 November 2010

More "political guidance"

"It is certain, that all parts of Europe which are enslaved, have been enslaved by armies; and it is absolutely impossible that any nation which keeps them amongst themselves can long preserve their liberties; nor can any nation perfectly lose their liberties who are without such guests. And yet, though all men see this, and at times confess it, yet all have joined in their turns to bring this heavy evil upon themselves and their country."
Cato's Letters - No:95
A country can be enslaved not only be armed forces, something to which Cato alludes. One has only to consider those members of the European Union, every one of whom has lost sovereign powers, thus becoming enslaved to the EU. Closer to home, consider the actions of our own politicians who are conducting a lesson in democratised dictatorship - for example, deciding to allow the people what matters on which they can vote, extorting taxes to pay for their latest 'pet project', etc.

Courtesy of the Conservative Party website we learn, via Andrew Lansley, that a further sum of NHS funding is to be 'ring-fenced' and given to local authorities to enable them to fight "smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity".
"Under the plans councils are to be put in charge of encouraging healthier lifestyles and local public health directors will be moved out of the NHS and into local government. Ministers believe the wider remit of councils in areas such as housing, transport and leisure puts them in a stronger position to tackle smoking, drinking and obesity in England."
So, besides the likes of Arnott (Ash), amongst others, - all unelected and unwanted - telling us how we should behave, act and live our lives, we will be subjected to further hectoring from even more unelected and unwanted 'disciples of healthy living'. This, from a government that trumpets a policy of devolving power to enable people to choose how they live their lives!

"And don’t even get me started on the myriad networks of taxpayer funded fake charities that lobby, cajole and lie to get many of these policies pushed through by social engineering."
That is exactly what this policy, announced by Lansley, is - social engineering. FFS, if those who wish to punish their bodies by jogging - and thus putting extra strain on their hearts - are permitted to so do, then please allow those who smoke, drink and eat to do so, likewise uninterrupted and unhindered. 

On the subject of obesity, especially amongst the young, perhaps if politicians had not interfered with education and methods of teaching - and permitted schools to continue with sporting activities free of equality and health 'n safety concerns, there would not be so many children and young members of our society who are considered obese.

Having begun this post with a quotation, it is perhaps logical to end with one. It is increasingly becoming clear that one Major Barnes, MP seriously misjudged the future.
"We certainly owe much of our liberty today; and the fact that we do not need and I hope will never need to resort to armed resistance; to the fact that some 200 or 300 years ago there were people who found it necessary to take up arms against the State."
Parliamentary Debates [1920] 

Update: England Expects posts on yet more "social engineering" - yet another example of an attempt to ake us change our habits sub-conciously!


banned said...

"public health directors will be moved out of the NHS and into local government" which will be a total disaster especially when you remember that Councils recently took control of licensing.

They will use these combined powers to insist that pubs put up yet more posters, offer jogging machines, unwanted tofuburgers and lentil soup just as they do with burger vans (which also require local authority licensing) and before long they will be forbidden to serve customers more than X units of alcohol because that is deemed 'unhealthy'.

Unknown said...

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business school, you should urgent score between upper 600s or lower 700s. But
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very good references.

GMAT Guidance