Friday 21 May 2010

A Conservative Prime Minister?

In view of this report in the Evening Standard it would seem that 'the man with the clout' is in fact the leader of the LibDems. Obviously some people will agree to anything just to live in 10 Downing Street!

"In a unique written agreement, the Liberal Democrat leader wins massive formal influence over reshuffles, policies, public appointments and even the Budget. He has a formal entitlement to know everything going on in the Government and be called in to resolve disputes. Mr Cameron must consult him on most decisions and obtain his agreement on some, including reshuffles. Even the Chancellor, George Osborne, is forbidden from going to the Prime Minister on a Budget argument without consulting Mr Clegg."

The coalition agreement can be read here and the list of Cabinet Committees here.

At the time of writing Conservative Home seems extremely quiet on the subject of the coalition agreement. Methinks that when the news sinks in many true Conservative supporters and members will not be happy little bunnies!

Afterthought: Don't much like this idea from the coalition agreement: "5.5 Neither Parliamentary Party will support proposals brought before Parliament other than by the Government unless considered and agreed by both parties." Seems like yet another 'stitch-up' to stifle democracy?

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