Wednesday 5 August 2009

Pause For Thought

On his blog today, Douglas Carswell poses the question of whether we would have more faith in politics if it became less of a profession for the few, and started to be an activity open to everyone? Interesting question that it is, it is worth adding to that whether such a situation might also then rejuvenate our interest in politics.

At present politics comprises an elite obligarchy controlling our lives, 'hand-picking' those they feel worthy to join their ranks and generally conducting their 'business' without deigning to ask those of us who pay their salaries etc, what we think or want.

I have, for some time, been accused of 'banging on' about Europe and the right to govern ourselves - a point that also applies to local government too. All three main political parties pay lip-service to the idea of devolution of power, yet the end result is just that - lip-service, no actual devolution, as such, occurs.

National politicians of all hues have made such a mess of 'government' per se, they may as well cede authority for local matters to the local people - lets face it, we could hardly do a worse job than our MPs!

1 comment:

John Page said...

Those non-professional politicians might be more turbulent MPs as they wouldn't have been dedicated to a full time political career.

The more you ponder open primaries, the more powerful the idea becomes, doesn't it.