Sunday 31 October 2010

History Repeating Itself?

Daniel Hannan posts on the TeaPartiers, presently standing in the American Mid-Term elections.
"The Boston Tea Partiers, just like their successors today, were rising against “their own professional political class”, above all the luckless Governor of Massachusetts, Thomas Hutchinson. They were doing so in the name of a series of liberties which they believed their ancestors had secured for all Englishmen: liberties which stretched back through the Bill of Rights, back even through the Great Charter, to the inherited folkright of Anglo-Saxon common law."
Which is what those of us today, who still believe in the United Kingdom as a self-governing nation, are hoping to accomplish - enforcing the Magna Carta which states that no foreign prince or prelate (or state) shall have governance here.

There is, however, one fly in the ointment. Hannan ends his post thus:
"I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s time to repatriate our revolution."
Hannan would do well to remember that the colonists had a leader, someone who was prepared to put his head above the parapet and 'lead'.

So, Hannan, what about it? What are you waiting for? Is it not time that the likes of you, Carswell - and those other Conservative MPs who have signed up to Direct Democracy - decided to publicly repudiate the party whose rosettes you wear and with whom you are so obviously in disagreement - and put your 'principles', in the form of a new party, to the public vote at the next general election?

Question: Man or mouse, Hannan? Answer: Squeak?


James Higham said...

It's not an unreasonable request by you, Mr. WfW.

Sue said...

I'm actually bored shitless listening to Hannan whinge. He is in a position to make waves and all he does he write a useless "blog", where he doesn't have the courtesy to reply to any of his commenters.

Anonymous said...

True leaders arrive when the moment arrives.
Not yet .

Witterings from Witney said...

JH, exactly what I thought.......!

Sue, so come on lass, lets try and shame him into actually getting off the pot!

Anonymous, Suppose waiting for a Conservative leader means eternity?

john in cheshire said...

I want a coup d'etat. I'd support anyone who does that. One of our useless generals could front the thing.
But behind the muscle, I'd want to see someone who actually believes that we, the indigenous, white, Christian, peoples of this country, count for something and are what he is fighting for.

Witterings from Witney said...

jic, firstly not one of our generals could front a paper bag and secondly, I would be all for a coup d'etat - and I most definitely want the Ceaucescu moment afterwards, but multiplied by about 600+!

Gawain Towler said...

You seem to be annoying them, excellent stuff. I had his Grace round my gaff suggesting that supporting the Tories was more effective than voting UKIP. Can't see it myself. Until you do and vote the way you believe nobody believes that you mean it.

However I take your point that a new formulation could be created. To many the UKIP brand is tainted. Fine so create something new, that can win.

Witterings from Witney said...

GT, thanks for your comment and support!

"Fine so create something new, that can win." - I wish I knew how but don't have the contacts, for a start.

Any ideas, email me please!

TheBoilingFrog said...

I plonked a comment on Mr Hannan's column saying something similar to you WfW. What we need is deeds not words.

Witterings from Witney said...

Good, TBF - we need to keep up the pressure and make the bastards sweat!

Anonymous said...

Come on. Come on. Come. On. You know "Look-At-Me" Hannan would only move to bite the hand that feeds him when his career really really depended on it and it didn't feed him any more. How is he going to get any purchase if his literary talent and general smug-gittedness was not emanating out of the glow given to it by the prestige of being in the Tory party?

Hannan's got a knack at flamboyent sophistry and a gaggle of sicophantic know-it-alls that hang on his every word and feel justified in their superiority merely by dint of reading the great I AM. Throw in a few smatterings of historical reference that may or may not have any relevance (Warner sometimes didn't used to think so), and he's the bloody ressurection and the light. Only he's not, is he? He's an empty vessel full of bluster, appealing to the vanity of his audience as much as his circumstances seem to appeal to his own. All you can hope for from "Look-At-Me" is the right sounding noises. That is what he is there for.

re a contribution above: I don't know why UKIP would be a tainted brand. All I know is that Tory saboteurs would have us believe it so that we start to dismantle the movement against the establishment before it gets going. That's all I know.

Witterings from Witney said...


1st para: I know, I know. I asked the question knowing the reason - I would just like to hear him say himself what you have said

Re 2nd para: quite!

procrustes said...

Hi WfW,

Have been reading your blog regularly for some time. Sincere apologies if using a first post to cross-post is not the done thing but in response to your question re: DH I've had a go at capturing in cartoon form my frustration with his posturing.

EU, Brute?

Witterings from Witney said...


Not at all, be my guest. Loved the cartoon so have reciprocated by nicking it (with acks)

ps hope you don't mind.

Witterings from Witney said...


Or I will nick it - one I get blogger to bloody work!

procrustes said...

Thanks WfW!