Having had to go to London for the AGM of a charity of which I am Vice-Chair, had my wallet stolen on the underground, then interviewed at length by Her Majesty's Finest on suspicion of being a terrorist......
Ah, This Must Be The 'Enrichment' We Are Always Promised...
23 minutes ago
...then interviewed at length by Her Majesty's Finest on suspicion of being a terrorist...
I always knew you were a dodgy sort :-)
Seriously though, why?
As you said 'dodgy looking' - seriously though, it may have had something to do with the fact that having had my wallent stolen I happened to be loudly proclaiming wheres a f******* copper when you want one and on initial questioning got a tad stroppy!
...and on that you were suspected of being a terrorist? Blimey!
Being stroppy - first sign of non-compliance, and we all know where that leads, don't we? Terrorists, they're everywhere these days. Can't be too careful.
You stroppy WfW? I don't believe that for a minute. Upset yes but you'd every right to be.
Did you try to photograph or record your chat with the boys in blue? That would have been fun.
Pleased to hear you're home, albeit poorer.
Vice-chairman please. A human being cannot be a chair. It's either a Chairman or Chairwoman.
R, Had every right to be stroppy!
SR, Started upset but very quickly got stroppy! Actually home not quite correct - in Surrey for a few days. Fun comes tomorrow when I go to the bank with no ID to draw some cash!
JH, I get sat on so frequently I am a Chair!
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